Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
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Reflection 257


Unconditional Love

The love of that little one is conditional. It makes demands, seeks some return, is in part a trade-off. Also, it's nothing if not choosy. There just isn't enough of the stuff to spread around. If it happens to alight on two or three people equally and at the same time, expect trouble. In any case expect variableness. The course of human love never did and never will run smooth. Never, never... In contrast, the divine love of this Big One is unconditional. It makes no demands, looks for no return, is equally bestowed on all, doesn't vary in the slightest, always runs smooth. Why? Because the Big One lies at the Source of all, and to be here is to love all beings as Oneself, regardless of how lovable or unlovable they may seem. (Douglas Harding. The Trial of the Man who said he was God.)
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