Reflection 155
Incomparable Safety
There are all sorts of advantages of being No-thing, of being Space really, because things are at risk, are up against one another, they are threats to one another. Each is asserting itself, crowding others out of its space. A thing has to make sure it is a separate thing which doesn’t let the others in, is never invaded. Things exclude one another. That may have certain attractions, but it certainly makes you, if you are a thing, terribly at risk, and basically frightened, because things perish. You should be frightened because things perish. If you are No-thing, it raises the question of whether you can perish at all. If you are Space/Awareness, is that the kind of thing that perishes, that comes and goes?
Again we come to the great question, Who or What am I in my own experience? Am I a thing consumed with fear and anxiety and soon to perish and be forgotten, or am I the No-thing which includes things of different life-spans, from galaxies to particles and people? Things come and go within my Space, which is not the kind of thing that comes and goes. And therefore I am not frightened, I am not scared out of my wits, if I really live from Who I am and What I am which is my No-thingness, which is absolutely safe. Incomparable Safety is at your Centre, I suggest, Incomparable Safety. Because No-thing is absolutely safe. The aware No-thing where you are is not the kind of thing that can be destroyed. (
Douglas Harding. On Having No Head. DVD)
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