Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
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Reflection 191


Willing What Is

I don’t mean gritting your teeth and putting on a ghastly smile and saying YES! to all that’s happening to you, regardless, as a duty and a discipline. That could lead to harmful repression of your feelings and self-deception – to sweeping your personal garbage, and the world’s, under a carpet that doesn’t exist. No: see things for what they are, exactly as given in your Emptiness – in this Openness which manifestly has no preferences, no resistances or resentments, no check-list of good and bad things, no categories of beautiful and ugly, acceptable and unacceptable. And see what comes of paying attention to the way you already are. See how perfectly you are built for this job of willing what is. See how proper and natural it is for you. And just allow (don’t force) the joy to arise, the peace that comes of having nothing to complain about. Given half a chance, it surely will, perhaps much sooner than you imagine possible. (Douglas Harding. Head Off Stress.)

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