Written and compiled by Richard Lang.
Freely released into the cosmos every few days...
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Reflection 1


My name is Richard Lang. I’ve written and compiled the content for the Headless Way website and have been giving workshops on Headless Seeing for more than thirty-five years. In this course I’m going to be reflecting on the experience and meaning of Who we really are. These emails start off being sent out every three days. After a while they go to once a week.

Hopefully these Reflections will encourage you to do some of the experiments developed by Douglas Harding, if you haven't done them already. You will find the experiments on the website. They point directly to your True Identity. It's one thing to read about Who you really are, but another to actually see your True Nature - this headless space one is looking out of! Do the experiments and see for yourself.

And then, it's one thing to glimpse your True Identity and another to live your life consciously from this Space. So hopefully these Reflections will serve as a reminder to continue being aware of Who you really are – to remain awake. It’s so easy to overlook this Space, to get so caught up in the public, social view of oneself that one ignores one’s own private point of view – this headless No-thing that is full of everything. So, every few days you get a reminder to be awake to the place you are looking out of and living from.

If you would like to meet others who are enjoying being Space for the world, we have regular free zoom video meetings. Contact me for more information.

So, if you haven’t already done some of the experiments, you could do that now. I suggest starting with the Pointing Experiment.

Warm regards,

Thank you for the first Reflection. I did the pointing experiment immediately and it produced the same result as described by other participants. What a simple beautiful approach to Reality. "I" look forward to your sending other Reflections and Experiments. Trevor.

Wow! What a treasury of teachings and all wonderously bringing us back to a Home we never left. There is an abundance of both exercises and inspiring stories that, again, do not fill us with things to memorize or mysterious esoteric teachings to decipher but instead simple, easy to do, practices that reaffirm our True Identity. Mike.

When I point to my original face I don't find "nothing" nor do I find "everything". What I truly find is "everything-nothing". The way I see it there's no experiencing nothing as something separate from everything. To me they are both the same. I used to think that to see my "self" I needed to look in the mirror. How wrong I was. Now when I point to my face I find (my)Self, God, and Everything-Nothing undifferentiated. Christian.

Richard Lang

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